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Get your pool ready for summer: A step-by-step guide

With school holidays here, it’s time to slip in those bathers, slop on the sunscreen and jump in your backyard pool.

The only problem is your swimming pool has been lying dormant for the winter! Eeek!

Before you can dive in, it’s important to take some time to prep your pool for the summer season.

1. Remove the Pool Cover and Clean It

This will help to remove any debris or dirt that has built up on the cover over the winter. Simply spray with a hose and scrub gently with a soft bristle brush. Make sure you are careful not to damage the little air pockets.

2. Check the Water Level and Add Water as Needed

Once the cover is off, check the water level in your swimming pool. The water level should be at the middle of the skimmer opening. If the water level is too low, just add water as needed.

This pool’s water level is getting too high

3. Clean the Pool Walls, Floor, and Skimmer

Use a pool brush to scrub the walls and floor to remove any dirt or algae. Don’t forget to clean the skimmer basket as well. Caution: if your swimming pool looks like green soup, don’t jump in! Read the tip about “shocking” at tip 7.

4. Clean the Pool Filter

The pool filter is responsible for removing dirt and debris from the water. It is important to clean the filter regularly to ensure it’s working properly. Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

5. Check the Pump

The pool pump is responsible for circulating the water. Make sure the pump is working properly and that there are no leaks.

6. Balance the Pool Chemicals

Testing your pool’s water chemistry is important for maintaining a healthy and safe swimming environment. The ideal levels for pool chemicals are as follows:

  • Chlorine: 1-3 ppm
  • pH: 7.2-7.8
  • Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
  • Calcium Hardness: 200-400 ppm

If the levels of any of these chemicals are out of balance, you can adjust them. But remember, always check with an expert if you are unsure. Poorly distributed or applied chemicals can be toxic to you and your children’s health. Search our list of Pool Professionals in your area.

7. Shocking the Pool

Shocking is a process of adding a large amount of chlorine and other chemicals to the water to kill algae and bacteria. This is especially important if the water has been sitting stagnant for a while and is green in colour. Speak to a professional for further information. Always remember to remove your pool cleaner from your pool when add excessive amounts of chemicals.

If your pool looks like this, you will need to consider step 7 (above).

8. Enjoy Your Pool!

Once you have completed these steps, you’re ready to finally enjoy! Be sure to test the water chemistry regularly and make adjustments as needed. With proper care, your pool can provide you with countless hours of fun and relaxation all summer long.

Additional Tips

  • If you have a pool heater, be sure to turn it on a few days before you plan to start using it and use it with your pool blanket to get the most out of your heating.
  • Check out our handy blogs and Pool Professor videos for more helpful tips on any of the issues highlighted above, plus general tips for keeping your pool in tip-top swimming condition.
  • It is also a good idea to have a professional inspect your pool regularly. This will help to identify any problems that could cause problems later on.

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